Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it...

Here's what some of our customers have to say

“Quality products, excellent response to our enquiries and very helpful sales staff”

“The next day delivery service means we don’t need to worry about having steel available.”

“Competitive price, with next day delivery”

“I was very impressed with the overall patience and service of the sales staff in assisting me to obtain what was really a very small amount of a specific spring steel. I had already contacted other suppliers who were less than helpful and completely uninterested in such a small order. 11 out of 10! Outstanding service all round.”

“The knowledgeable BSS sales team are friendly and offer technical guidance when we need it”

“Excellent customer service who are always happy to help”


“The steel quality is excellent and they have a good range of products”

Whatever your spring steel requirements, we're ready to work with you.

For quality steel with great customer service and fast delivery:

Call 0114 244 0527 or email